Committee members of the Carlow Coarse Angling Club got a nice suprise when local fishing tackle supplier Murph’s on Tullow St. Carlow donated four new full sets of equipment. Chairman of the club Gerry mcstraw put out a call recently requesting help as the club are probally the most active coarse angling club in the country and needed more equipment due to the rising numbers attending their programmes. Upon hearing the request Mr Martin Ralph and Mr James Murphy immediatly rang the Carlow C.A.C. offering their help, Mr Ralph commented that it is always good to give something back especially to a needy cause.
The new sets of equipment were picked up on the Monday morning as the club were traveling to the Southern Counties Fishing Resort in Garryhill, Carlow with a group of visually impared and blind anglers from the Irish Wheelchair Association from Carlow and Wexford. One of the participants Lilly actually broke the lake record landing a fine specimen of a Rainbow Trout weighing in at 13 3/4 Lb.

If you would like any information regarding the Carlow Coarse Angling Club or indeed fishing the river Barrow please do not hesitate to contact Chairman Gerry mcstraw on 085 2844566 or e-mail [email protected] alternatively you could visit the very popular carlow cac Facebook page.