The NCFFI Float and Feeder Team qualifiers to select teams for the 2013 World, European and Celtic Cup teams will be fished in an All Ireland Qualifier format, to CIPS rules, over 6 weekends in 2012. The Float Qualifiers both senior and junior will be fished on the Saturday with the Feeder Qualifier, including a junior section, fished on the Sunday. On all venues pegs will be available for practice on the Friday and Saturday in preparation for the main Qualifiers.

Click to download the event programme and entry form
Click to download the event programme and entry form (.pdf, 3MB)

The Qualifiers will be organised and Teams selected, under the direction of the Ireland Team Manager in accordance with NCFFI Protocols and CIPS rules.

For the first event on the River Barrow 21/22 April, the Seven Oaks hotel (beside the venue) has given competitors a special rate of €45 per night B&B or a package of €109 for 2 nights B&B and one evening meal (quote NCFFI Qualifiers when booking to get the rate).

Telephone 00 353 5991 31308

Please remember pegs on the venue are available for practice on the Friday (booking via the Manager).

Please book in with the manager as soon as possible

Download the event programme and entry form here: Click to download the event programme and entry form [.pdf, 3MB]

NCFFI Protocols are available at

Contact Mark Teedom (Manager) for more information.

Tel: +44 (0)280663407891
Email: [email protected]