Bernard Devenney from the Dundalk Salmon Anglers reports that water conditions on the River Fane at present are excellent for Salmon and Seatrout angling. Salmon are being caught well up the river as far as Castlering Bridge which is on the Dundalk /Carrickmacross road. Among some of the fish caught during the last week – David Crawley, Dundalk, 6 lbs., Gordon Moore, Walterstown, 7lbs, Willie Burke, Dundalk, 6lbs and Patsy McArdle, Belrobin, Kilkerley, 6lbs. All these fish were caught in the Stephenstown and Walterstown area. With the main Salmon run expected this coming week and well into September it can be anticipated that there should be be some great fishing particularly as the water levels as present could not be better.

Dundalk Salmon Anglers Association offer day permits to fish their fisheries price €15 per day and these can be bought at any of the three fishing tackle shops in Dundalk or from Bernard Devenney at 087 1322873.