Bernard Devenney from the Dundalk Salmon Anglers reports that a number of Salmon have been caught on the Fane during the last week. Normally, water levels at this time of the year would be low and because of this not many Salmon would be in the river. However, because of the large amount of rain during the last number of weeks water levels have been very high and Salmon are now being caught. Recently, Brian McShane of Dundalk had a small grilse of 5lbs, Brendan Rice of Dundalk had a fine fish of 10lbs., Paddy Cudden from Ardee had a lovely fish of 10lbs and Liam Woods of Knockbrodge had a fine fish of 15lbs which was returned to the river. The river is now in excellent condition for fishing.

Bernard also reports that some fine sea-trout have also been caught in the last week. Jim Curley from Duleek had a lovely 2lb Seatrout and Damien Mulligan of Dromiskin had two sea-trout of 1lb each.

With more wet weather forecast for the next week it is certain that the fishing will be improving from now on. Around a dozen fish passed through the counter throughout the month of June.

Day Permits to fish on Dundalk Salmon Anglers fisheries on the Fane are available from the three fishing tackle shops in Dundalk or from Bernard Devenney at 087 1322 873. Price €15 each

Brendan Rice from Dundalk with a Fine Fresh Fane Salmon
Brendan Rice from Dundalk with a Fine Fresh Fane Salmon