Lough na Leibe is continuing to fish very well with good catches reported by anglers, with a total of 52 trout reported by six anglers for the week. Bernard McDermott caught 6 trout on Thursday 15th and 11 trout on Friday the 16th all on secret flies which can’t be revealed this close to a competition ha-ha- ha. Dave Cadman and a friend also caught 8 trout between them on Friday. Francis Brady fishing with his nephew Oisin Fished the Lough on Sunday the 18th and was rewarded with a stunning total of 22 trout, in less than 3 hrs of fishing and Oisin caught one trout whilst spinning. Francis reported there was a large number of fish feeding steadily for a prolonged time in the surface layer of the water. The action on Sunday was attributed to a substantial hatch of duckfly at the northern end of the lake. As always if you have a catch to report please e-mail it to the Club email address available on the Club website. Successful fly patterns included the small midge patterns, small nymph patterns, buzzer patterns and emerging duckfly patterns, retrieved using a very slow figure of eight or fished static.
Round 2
Round 2 of the Lough na Leibe Sunday flyfishing competition will take place this Sunday the 25/03/12. Please note only current paid up members of the Club may participate in this competition.
The draw for starting pegs is at 12:00 with the Competition begining at 12:30 p.m sharp
Lough na Leibe angling rules
Bag limit of 2 Trout per angler per day.
Flyfishing, Worm fishing with float only (no legering) and Spinnig are only permitted methods of fishing.
No Maggots, Shrimps or any other baits to be used.
Absolutely no ground baiting allowed.
Tight Lines
Martin Lawrence
Public Relations Officer