David McEvoy of the Delphi Fishery reports that as of this moment in time there has been no bar of silver landed yet…

“The broodstock netting went well with more fish than we would have expected going on the rod catches. It just seems that for some reason last year that fish just appeared to go into hibernation after the first week in August. This seemed to be a trend in other fisheries also.

The weather here in the off season in a word was “wet”. Our total rainfall for the four closed months was 1265.4mms or 49.8 inches. As a result there was indeed no shortage of water for both salmon and sea trout to spawn whenever nature deemed necessary

As is always the case we went straight from shooting to fishing overnight. I didn’t wet a line myself till yesterday as we were snowed under with tagging smolts and shocking and counting eggs.

Rock Poo, Delphi
The Rock Pool earlier this week...

We did however have a few local experts out on the first day, Peter Joyce and Sheamus Heneghan among them. Sheamus had a fresh fish on for about 40 seconds in the Meadow pool. As usual it was on his Badger Tube (or shaving brush as I have heard some people call it) on a floating line.

I’m afraid that, that has been the only moment of excitement so far. Water conditions have been good but the temperature is low at 5 to 6 degrees, but as one of our famous patrons always says “you never know the minute”.

So for any of you feeling the urge we have plenty of availability at the moment because if the flies aren’t in the water you’re certainly not going to catch that elusive first.”

Make a booking

To book fishing or accommodation at Delphi, contact the lodge on 095 42222, or check www.delphi-salmon.com

You can contact David after hours at 087 6388510.

