Hamish Currie skipper of Predator II report that a trip 15km south of Red Bay looking for big female spur dogs paid off for a group from Belfast and once again the record was near broken yet again with a number of specimen fish taken best up to 23lb 4oz a couple of small tope were also taken mackerel are in abundance now.
Hamish Currie
Predator II
Red Bay Stormforce 9.1 Rib
Web: www.predatorireland.com Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 028 2177 1828 Boat: 07720440117
Hamish Currie
Predator II
Make a booking
Hamish Currie
Predator II
Red Bay Stormforce 9.1 Rib
Web: www.predatorireland.com Email: [email protected]
Telephone: 028 2177 1828 Boat: 07720440117