Congratulations go to Ryan Binley of Foxford Angling Club who won the Jimmy Allard Cup at the Irish Trout Fly Fishing Association (ITFFA) Youths National Championship. Twenty two anglers, representing fifteen clubs, competed in this event and whilst fishing conditions were very difficult with strong and blustery east winds and occasional showers Lough Owel did not disappoint with some fabulous trout being caught and released to the water unharmed.

Ryan Binley is pictured receiving the Jimmy Allard Cup from ITFFA Youths Officer Frank Dempsey.

Ryan, who is no stranger to the trout angling scene having captained the 2013 International Team, caught eleven trout measuring 420cm on a variety fry patterns. Second place went to Cavan angler Jack Egan (Lough Sheelin) who landed eight trout for 313cm, and third place went to Belfast angler Ian Dalzell (Straid Angling Club) with 3 trout for 115cm. The prize for the largest trout went to Almha McDonnell of Dublin Trout Anglers who landed a whopping fish of 50cm which would have well exceeded the 4lb mark.

This result is testament to the great trout angling that Lough Owel consistently provides. This is a fantastic venue and is a must for visiting anglers who should try fishing shallow water with a team of wet flies comprising of some fry type patterns. The olives are also beginning to make an appearance on Owel and there is bound to be some great top of the water action.

Fly angling for trout is a sport for all regardless of age or gender. If you are less than eighteen years of age and are interested in participating in the sport, you can contact the ITFFA Youth Officer, Mr Frank Dempsey on 087 235 1830.

Irish Trout Fly Fishing Association

The primary aim of the Association is to organise and run Provincial competitions in order to select competitors for Interprovincial, National and International fly fishing competitions on both Loughs and Rivers.

If you would like more information about this topic, or you would like to arrange an interview, please contact Joseph Keena at 086 8722449 or e-mail [email protected]