Six youths and fourteen adults braved the elements on Sunday 25th May to contest the Eugene Mulligan and Pat Owen Memorial Cups on Emy Lough, Emyvale Co. Monaghan. It was a very hard day’s fishing. All trout were caught between 2.15pm and 4 pm. In the last two hours the heavens open, raining solid on all competitors. Only five trout were caught. The weigh in took place as quickly as possible at the boat jetty and then all competitors went to the High House Emyvale for much needed refreshments and cover. Many thanks to Vincent Mulligan and Leo McMahon for presenting the prizes. It was great to see our youths there on the day. The future of fly fishing in Emy & District Anglers club looks very bright.  Many thanks to Seamus McMeel proprietor High House and to Monica Skinnader,  Emyvale for providing all the refreshments. Emy & District Angler’s next competition is for the Pillar House Cup. This will take place at the end of June.

Heaviest Fish – Tommy Mc Caffery, Emyvale –  2lb –  winner of The Eugene Mulligan Memorial cup
Second heaviest fish Jimmy Skinnader, Emyvale – 1 lb  – winner of  fishing voucher

Heaviest Bag  – Enda Fields, Emyvale   – 3.76lb  – winner of the “Pat Owen McMahon” Memorial cup

1st –  Callum Mc Kenna, Emyvale – winner of fishing voucher
2nd – Kieran Mc Quiad,  Emyvale – winner of fishing voucher

Tommy McCaffrey Recieves The Paddy Joe Cup
Tommy McCaffrey Receives The Eugene Mulligan Memorial Cup
Enda Fields Receives the Joe Bloggs Cup
Enda Fields Receives the Pat Owen McMahon Cup
The Furure of Fly Angling is Bright in Emyvale with Rising Stars John MO and Tom Mo
The Future of Fly Angling is Bright in Emyvale with Rising Stars Callum McKenna and Kieran McQuaid