Eire Bass guide Richie Ryan reports from Cork;

Sue and Vin Heron returned to their old stomping ground in Cork Harbour for their annual fishing vacation with Eire Bass guide Richie Ryan. The weather was not kind to our angling enthusiasts this year making life difficult for both anglers and guide.

A nice Birthday gift for Vin Heron....
A nice Birthday gift for Vin Heron….

Vin celebrated his 70 th birthday during their stay so it was important that a photo of a bass should be part of the package. Seeing as Sue out fished Vin on the last day of their trip last year, it was only fitting that Vin should be the one to shine on this occasion. A few bass fell to Vin’s various lures and the photo opportunity eventually materialised. A return visit is on the cards for the Herons next year with salmon also on the menu I’m told.

Richie Ryan
Saltwater fly fishing Guide.

Make a booking

If you want to book Richie then go to  www.corkbass.com

Eire Bass – Richie Ryan

Saltwater fly fishing Guide.

Web: www.corkbass.com E-mail: [email protected]
Tel: +353 (0)86 1940744