Ardaire Springs Angling Centre had some great fishing this week.  Owner Ned Maher reports:

Unbelievable fishing this week at Ardaire Springs Angling Centre including 5 double figure fish.   We are also delighted to announce that we have been appointed as agents for MacKenzie rods.  Gofish Maurice called in today to drop off the 9ft 6in 6 wt demo rod and all our customers were very impressed with it,   We also tested the 11ft 5/ 6 wt switch rod – very impressed with this,  I am really looking forward to trying the 13ft 9in travel rod .I will be bringing this one to British Columbia in October on our annual trip.

Shane Walsh had  a good morning  with 15 lb brownie on a foam beetle. Lots of cracking rainbows also caught.

Shane Walsh with a fantastic 15lb brownie at Ardaire Springs
Shane Walsh with a fantastic 15lb brownie at Ardaire Springs

Ardaire Springs - Jan 11th 2015 3Ardaire Springs - Jan 11th 2015 1

Ned has a bite too !
Ned has a bite too !

Ardaire Springs - Jan 11th 2015 2

Visit Ardaire…

Phone Ned Maher: (0) 86 812 8937

Ardaire Springs Angling Centre

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