With the growing popularity of Feeder Fishing and the introduction of a new FIPS-ed World Feeder Club Championships comes a new event to select the Feeder Club Champions of Ireland!
The NCFFI All-Ireland Feeder Club Championships will be held over the weekend of the 8th & 9th of July at Lough Muckno and we invite member clubs to submit teams of 5 to take part.
Clubs may also take the opportunity to qualify to represent Ireland at the World Feeder Club Championships to take place in Belarus in 2018. New eligibility rules mean that providing your members can prove residency in Ireland for five years or more, club members of any nationality may form the team. Entry to the qualifiers is an additional €100 per team with these funds awarded to the travelling team selected. Clubs may submit more than one team. We shall be fishing to FIPSed Fédération Internationale de la Pêche Sportive en Eau Douce rules which can be found here http://www.ncffi.ie/international
The Float Club Championships will take place on the 1st & 2nd of July – details to be announced shortly.