Adrian Nowotynski reports on a day out after Skate from Union Hall…

27 April: What a day out. The Wildlife was out in force with Dolphins, minke whales & and basking sharks in their dozens and a humpback whale feeding around the boat while we hauled at Skate. This 115lb male was first for Matt.

Matt’s first skate

I hooked up soon after but lost it after 30 minutes. We had an earlier hook up which was Porbeagle like. Fast and unstoppable.

Minke Whale
Minke whale

Apart from the fishing, there were hundreds of dolphins, easily 20-30 basking sharks, more Minke whales than I have ever seen. Every time we glanced at the water 1 or 2 would surface in any direction and a humpback feeding around us throughout the day.

Irish Deep Sea Charter

Jim and Adrian Nowotynski are a father and son team that skipper the Rod’n’Reel and Boy Scott out of Union Hall and Glandore Harbour.  We have excellent fishing with huge variety all within 45 minutes of leaving port – so more time fishing.
Jim: +353 (0)87 7613171 Adrian: +353 (0)86 3314224
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