The Bill Cassidy reports on the Suck Valley Angling Hub and Connacht Match Group 3 Day Festival fished over the Bank Holiday weekend…
09 May: Our 3 Day Festival concluded on Monday in dramatic style. As temperatures soared over the weekend and so did the fishing also proving that this river is up there with the best as a premier match fishing facility in the country.
Day 1 saw Donamon fishing best with all pegs producing roach. Both Emlagh sections were fishing hard.
Day 1 results
Rory Dunne 14.425kg
Shane Dunne 12.675kg
Marcus Kirwan 8.525kg
Day 2 of the River Suck 3 Day Festival provided more twists and turns and the leader board tightened up. With soaring temperatures fish still fed, but maybe not in the quantities as the day before.
Mark Leonard won day 2 with a weight of 10.125kg from peg 28 on Donamon. Tommy Dowd was second with 9.975kg from peg 9 on Emlagh and 3rd was Tony Kersley with 8.525kg from peg 29 on donamon.
Going into the final day a number of anglers where in with a chance of winning. As the draw concluded our leader Rory Dunne drew end peg on Emlagh in the trees section. 2nd placed Shane Dunne was going to peg 7 on Emlagh and 3rd placed Tommy Dowd had drawn peg 30 on Donamon.
As the match started it soon became apparent that Rory was making the most of his end peg and as the day went on he was to become unstoppable, as all good anglers are when they draw a good peg. Shane was catching after a slowing start but with pike attacks etc his peg came and went. The battle for 3rd spot was also hotting up as Tommy Dowd was catching on Donamon, but with small fish only being caught he was going to struggle to hold on. Mark Leonard who was 4th going into the final day was starting to make his move and would turn in a fine display on a tough section on Emlagh (right).

At the all out there was only going to be 1 winner and that of course would be Rory Dunne who would weigh in a terrific 14kg to win the final day and seal victory in style. Shane Dunne would hold on to second place with a weight of 6.5kg and so it left 3rd place to be decided. Tommy Dowd would weigh in a 5kg weight from Donamon while Mark Leonard weighed in 7kg plus meaning mark prevailed and took 3rd place just pipping Tommy.
Overall top 3
- Rory Dunne 32.300kg
- Shane Dunne 23.775kg
- Mark Leonard 21.300kg
Section winners over the weekend
- Rory Dunne x2
- Mark Leonard x3
- Tommy Dowd x2
- Marcus Kirwan
- Andrew Ely
Many thanks to Mary Leyden of cCastlecoote Lodge for her hospitality once again and for refreshments on Monday evening it was very much appreciated by all the anglers. Mary also had anglers staying with her for the weekend and couldn’t speak highly enough of the accommodation.
Many thanks to IFI once again for all their work in the locality recently on development in the area and for future projects also.
Lastly thanks to all the anglers that came to fish. They came from far and wide from England Belfast newry enniskillen cavan Monaghan and kildare along with a few locals it made for a great festival for all.
More events will be forthcoming in the near future so keep an eye on this page for updates etc until then tight lines.
Go Fishing…
River Suck Angling Hub
Athleague, Co. Roscommon.
Contact: Bill Cassidy [email protected] 086 3356759
The Suck Valley Angling Hub was set up to promote angling in the Suck Valley area, and also to organise major competitions and festivals.