The competitors at the overnight Gavin Rice fishing competition (N Stapleton, 2018)
The competitors at the overnight Gavin Rice fishing competition (N Stapleton, 2018)

Congratulations to Noel Stapleton who won the Gavin Rice memorial at the overnight fishing competition over on Gills Pond on Saturday 23rd of June. The winning weight was 20lb 4oz, with species of Tench, hybrid and Bream being caught.

Proud Angler! Noel Stapleton collecting 1st prize at the Gavin Rice memorial fishing competition held on Saturday 23rd June
Proud Angler! Noel Stapleton collecting 1st prize at the Gavin Rice memorial fishing competition held on Saturday 23rd June

Grantstown Lake has been fishing very well recently with specimen sized Tench being caught over the past number of weeks.  Tench fishing in general is doing very well on coarse lakes contacted in the district at the moment.

Fish care in hot weather.   We would kindly ask all Anglers to be mindful that water levels are quite low on most water courses at the moment and because of this fish can be more easily stressed.  Using keep nets unnecessarily may cause fish fatalities.                                               

Bio Security: As always, we would kindly like to remind all who use Ireland’s watercourses to please use appropriate biosecurity measures for themselves so to help prevent the spread of invasive species in and out of the water.

Water Safety: The Carrick staff would kindly like to remind all about the importance of using Life Jackets in and around water as they really do save lives. Adequate Flotation devices should always be worn and it especially sets a template regards water safety where younger Anglers are present.

 “Take only memories, leave only footprints”. The Carrick staff would like to ask all who are using the water courses in the area to be mindful of littering and to please use bins provided or take home their rubbish.

Sun Safety: As Ireland is currently enjoying one of the warmest summers in decades we are advising Anglers and all who use the water courses in the SERBD to use adequate sun protection and cover up where possible. It is not advisable during these hot days to spend prolonged periods of time exposed to the sun, especially in or on water.