While we had a good amount of cloud cover last week, extremely low water levels and fluctuating water temperatures again impacted on angling. Mornings and evenings were the most productive periods and fly and bubble and fly the most successful methods. 251 salmon were reported caught, 93 on the tidal beats in Ballina, 83 on the Fisheries just downstream of Foxford and the remainder scattered across the system.

Among the successful anglers last week on the Moy Fishery were,
- Rene Gehringer, Germany, 4.5+5 lbs on fly – Ridge Pool,
- Trevor Simpson, UK, 3 fish on fly – Ridge Pool,
- Tristan Bayard, France, 3.5+4 lbs on fly – Ridge Pool,
- James Duffy, NI, 3 fish on fly, best 6 lbs – Ridge Pool [Photo],
- Mary Devine, Donegal, 4+5.5 lbs on fly, Her first salmon on fly – Ridge Pool [Photo],
- Sean Woods, NI, 5 fish on fly, best 5.5 lbs, 2 of which he released – Weir Pool,
- Michael Dix, Cork, 2 fish on fly, 1 released – Weir Pool,
- Paul Wymes, Dublin, 3 fish on fly, best 6.75 lbs – Weir Pool [Photo],
- Lars Friebertschuser, Germany, 3.5+5 lbs on fly – Cathedral Beat,
- Matthieu Davrinche, France, 3+ lbs on fly – Cathedral Beat,
- Fintan Keenan, Dublin, 4.5 lbs on fly – Spring Wells,
- Uwe Steffen, Germany, 2 fish on Bubble & fly – Ash Tree Pool,
- Thomas Le Guillmet, France, 7 lbs on fly – Ash tree Pool,
- Tristan Bayard, France, 5 lbs on fly – Ash Tree Pool.

Upstream Bernard Breslin, Dublin, had a 7lb salmon on worm in the Ballina Salmon Anglers water. Gary Perks, UK, had 6 salmon for 2 days fishing at the Mount Falcon Fishery, 4 of which he released.

Keith Appleton, UK, had a 7.5 lbs fish on bubble & fly from the Coolcronan Fishery. Fishing the Foxford Fishery, Peter Heigl, Germany, had 2 fish.

Claude Quelen, France, had 3lbs grilse on Bubble & fly from Cloongee Fishery and Pascal Nicolas, France, caught an released a 4 lbs fish on fly on East Mayo Anglers water.
How’s the river doing? Check the Ridge Pool Webcam
For more about the River Moy and its fisheries, including prices and maps see – https://www.fishinginireland.info/salmon/northwest/river_moy_system.htm