Delan Cooke from our Ballina office reports that trout fishing on Conn still a little patchy. Rod effort is probably down on previous years due to late spring and scarcity of hatches…
Angling Report for L. Conn W/E 6 May 2018
Lough Conn has been subject to the same vagaries of weather as all of our great trout lakes this season. The unusually wet winter followed by the strange and cold spring have left angling and the usual fly hatches lagging well behind in terms of their usual chronology.
Last week saw a mixture of duck-fly and olives struggling to catch up, with sporadic hatches of both species in Cloghan’s bay, Flannery’s and Pratt’s bay. There were some good catches recorded by anglers who were lucky enough to be in the right place at the right time. John Walsh had three good trout and a few smaller ones in Cloghan’s. Most fish were on wet duchfly patterns.

The weekend’s competition with the Dublin Trout Anglers was disappointing overall with 49 trout (over the 12” limit) for 40 Anglers over 2 days. However, as the spring progresses and the milder weather continues, we are hopeful that catches (and hatches) will continue to improve.