The following is the angling report for the Erriff for the period 9th – 13th August.

We have had 31 salmon landed during this period which was very good, this was helped by the fact that water levels were holding at a good height for the whole time and we had some very experienced anglers fishing with us. Some of the catches are as follows:

The morning of Friday the 9th saw a big flood on the river hitting 1.9m, this resulted in the river being high and dirty and unfishable until the afternoon. Some of the anglers who had waited patiently all morning then hit the river and were rewarded with some nice catches. Seamus O’Neill fished beat 5 that afternoon and released 3 grilse on a Posh Tosh and Collie Dog tube, all of ~3lbs. Owen Trill released 2 grilse of 4.5lbs and 6lbs on Beat 4 using a Black Shrimp and Phillip Harte had a 2.5lbs grilse using a silver Willie Gunn, also on Beat 4. Tom Byrne released a wild grilse of 5lbs on a Red Cascade on Beat 3.


River in flood
The flood!


On Saturday 10th John Geary released a 12lbs springer on Beat 8. Sunday 11th was a local club day on some of the beats, they had a very memorable day landing 9 salmon of which 7 were wild and released – the salmon ranged in weight from 3lbs – 7lbs. Also that day visiting angler Niall Wickham had a 10lbs salmon from Beat 5 using a Collie Dog tube. Tomas Weiss returned to fish with his dad and released a 3lbs wild grilse from the Middle Garden Pool on the 12th, and another 3lbs wild grilse from the Middle Garden Pool on the 13th; Tomas was using a Cascade and a Black and Yellow shrimp fly. With the changeable weather conditions forecast for the next few day we should see some more water entering the system which should help the fishing conditions. The river is at 0.96m at time of writing.


Go Fishing

The Erriff is a spate river draining beautiful mountain scenery and entering the sea at Killary Harbour, near Leenane. The river is split into 9 beats, and is flyfishing only for the most part. The river provides quality fishing for salmon and sea trout in spectacular surroundings. There is also lake fishing available on Tawnyard Lough, on one of the tributaries, providing sea trout fishing from July to September.

If you wish to book fishing please call the fishery office on (095) 42382 or email us at [email protected]