Mark Gannon reports from Courtmacsherry…

porbeagle shark
Porbeagle shark

The past few days were a  welcome reprieve  compared to the breezy days of last week. The angling has been great with good conger and ling from the wrecks. On the shark font we are seeing blues and Porbeagle up to 100 lb.

A ling
Another good skate
Another big skate

Fishing in the bay also improved. The skate  fishing has been first class over 20 fish boated the last few days with 2.09m the longest so far. We also had a huge skate with no tail would have exceeded 2.m.

Tagged skate, ready for release

Bass fishing in the Estuary has been very productive with both lure and bait producing fish to Specimen size.


Make a booking

Courtmacsherry Sea Angling Centre is one of Ireland’s Premier Angling Centres based in the picturesque village of Courtmacsherry located only 30 miles from Cork International Airport on the West Cork coast between the Old head of Kinsale and the Seven Heads peninsula. Our purpose built Sea angling and self-drive boats offer the sea angler the ultimate in safety and comfort.

Sea Angling in Courtmacsherry produces good results both for the offshore charter angler, the self-drive angler for inshore fishing or the wreck enthusiast.

Address: Woodpoint Guest House, Courtmacsherry, Co. Cork.
Telephone: +353 (0)23 8846427 or +353 (0)86 8250905
Email: [email protected]