Some families made the most of the fine weather on Sunday to get out of the house for a while and find a change of scenery.
The Carrolls from Tullamore wanted to get out in the fresh air, but they also wanted to observe social distancing guidelines by keeping away from others.
They decided to hit a remote part of the Grand Canal in search of a jack pike or two and they weren’t disappointed. Oisin and Caoimhe each caught a nice pike and had a lovely day out.
Well done to Oisin and Caoimhe. Teach the art of angling, get them hooked young and they’ll have a lifelong pastime.
Remember, if you are planning on going fishing in the next number of weeks, to keep a rod length apart from other anglers and members of the public. Try to minimise contact with objects that others need to touch (such as gates and stiles) and use disinfectant hand wash before and after touching those objects yourself.