Public consultation: have your say before November 16th
Inland Fisheries Ireland has launched a public consultation on the proposed introduction of a conservation byelaw, prohibiting angling for Arctic Char.
This public consultation opened on Thursday, October 14th 2021 and closes on Tuesday, November 16th 2021 at 5:00pm.
Inland Fisheries Ireland is seeking submissions from interested parties in relation to the proposed introduction of a conservation byelaw prohibiting angling for, killing or retention of Arctic Char (Salvelinus alpinus) from any waters of the State.
The proposal currently under consideration is:
to request the Minister for the Environment, Climate and Communications, to introduce a conservation byelaw prohibiting any person from taking, or attempting to take, an Arctic Char (Salvelinus alpinus), by means of any fishery engine or rod and line from the waters of the State and to prohibit killing, retention or possession of Arctic Char.
All submissions must be marked ‘Public consultation – Proposed prohibition of angling for Arctic Char’ and must be received in writing by 5 pm on Tuesday 16th November 2021.
Written submissions can either be emailed to [email protected] or can be posted to this address: Inland Fisheries Ireland, Station Road, Ballyshannon, Co. Donegal, F94 WV76
All valid submissions will be published on the Inland Fisheries Ireland website at
Additional Note about the Arctic Char
The Arctic Char is a glacial relict fish species, native to Ireland, which is currently classified in the Irish Red Data Book as vulnerable due to a range of anthropogenic and environmental pressures such as water abstraction, eutrophication, climate change and introduction of non-native fish species. More information about the Arctic Char can be found on Inland Fisheries Ireland’s website here