Vincent Appleby reports from Lough Currane…

5/8/21 Floods, no comment! I asked one Currane Angler this morning did it make any rain? Very little he replied and that’s putting it politely. On today’s facts there were three boats out, no texts, no phone calls and you don’t have to be a rocket scientist that the Currane Anglers are frustrated with this drought. Wind WSW light to fresh with good cloud followed by showers.

6/8/21 There were eight boats manipulating their lures this day on the Big Lake and sadly no reports of any rod benders. The same could not be said for the River Inny C&R Anglers and for good reason, yes you have it, it made a small flood and our C&R Inny Anglers journeyed fourth, by all accounts there were a few caught on the fly and on the spin. Now we head for the Commeragh, it was reported that one Salmon was caught. Wind West fresh and overcast with heavy downpours.

7/8/21 We start today’s notes on Lough Derriana, the Mad fly fisherman was telling me that Derriana rose a little and the water is very warm at present which makes it more difficult to get that allusive fish because as you well know the Trout and Salmon go deeper in these conditions. There’s no argument to that, so on those words of wisdom we head for the C&R River Inny and it was great to see a good few Inny Anglers heading out, I can say the early birds did well on fly and on spin and it’s great to report that there were a few Salmon caught and released this day and the biggest reported was in the 10 lbs class. Lough Currane was all quiet this day, not surprising, Cheers C&R River Inny. Wind WNW fresh to strong at times followed by a good few heavy shower.

8/8/21 We start with the early Birds of the C&R Inny Anglers and their early enthusiasm was awarded with a few C&R Salmon. Now we cut across to the Lough Currane Anglers, there were a few nice baskets of Sea Trout on the drift and on the troll. WNW then veered WSW light to fresh.

9/8/21 Lough Currane was all quiet on the SW front. Now head for the Inny C&R Anglers and by all accounts there were two Salmon caught and released. Wind WNW light, followed by the odd shower.

10/8/21 The Currane Sea and Brown Trout drifters caught a few fish to their credit. Now we head for the River Inny, where there was one Salmon caught on the spin and released. On that note, we sadly head for a poaching article.

11/8/21 Waterville Fishery was all quiet on all fronts this day. Wind W and veered SW in the afternoon, light to fresh with reasonable cloud cover.

12/8/21 The Wind took control of the Currane Anglers, so you don’t have to be a rocket scientist to know that they converted very quickly to the C&R Inny anglers and there were a few successes and to be precise, two on the fly and one on the spin. Staying with the Inny, Met Éireann are forecasting some rain for the Inny this Saturday, as the chart shows. Wind WSW fresh to strong with reasonable cloud cover, followed by the odd shower.

Vincent Appleby

Go fishing…

Vincent Appleby

Eureka Lodge, Caherdaniel West, Co. Kerry.
Telephone: +353 (0) 87 207 4882
E-mail:[email protected]

Find out more about Lough Currane…

The rivers and lakes of Waterville drain a large catchment and are regarded by many as the foremost Salmon and Sea-Trout fishery in the country. The lake system is well developed with access to boats and guides being readily available to the tourist angler. The Sea-Trout caught here are renowned for their size and quantity. For more details see