Home Salmon fishing reports Laune system running low, some salmon about on river and lake

Laune system running low, some salmon about on river and lake



Water is low again in the lakes and the Laune. The fishing conditions are moderate on the Laune and good in the lakes. Fish are waiting for the next bit of rain to run the Flesk.

River Laune

Water levels have fluctuated over the last few weeks and are currently low. The fishing conditions are moderate .Not many reports from the river, but a 5lb salmon was caught from Beat 1 of the Laune on worm.

Lough Leane

Anglers have been increasing on the lakes over the last few weeks and despite low levels fishing conditiions are considered to be good. Reports of two salmon caught on Lough Leane, averaging 8lbs each.

River Flesk

The Flesk is running very low. Needs rain.

Go fishing…

Beat 2

Permits for Beat 2 are available online: https://permits.fishinginireland.info/product-category/permits-cork-and-kerry/laune-fishery-muckross-beat/

Laune Anglers Association

Web:  www.launeanglersfishing.com
Facebook: Facebook Laune Anglers 
[email protected]

 Permits Available From: Lander’s, Tralee  –  O’Neill’s, Killarney   –  O’Sullivan’s Shop, Beaufort Bridge  – Billy Cotter,  see below. – Michael O’Shea, see below.

Laune Anglers Guides:

More about the Laune…
