Pike angling guide Damien Culliney had a great day out recently fishing with a couple of friends, Neil and Alan. It was a fantastic warm spring day to be out on the water, and it seemed to spark the pike into action with nine fish to the boat, including PB’s for both anglers. Alan had never fished before but is now firmly hooked, while Alan now has a 24 pounder as his new PB.

Damian Culliney
Anglers Paradise Ireland

Go fishing…

Anglers Paradise Ireland

Trout and Pike Guide

Anglers Paradise Ireland is owned and managed by Damien Culliney, a well-known angler and chef in the Clare region and a man passionate about the inland waterways and natural history of County Clare. At Angler’s Paradise, we love the thrill of Game fishing and Pike fishing in equal measure and can take our clients to some of Europe’s most unspoilt rivers and lakes in search of trophy predators and the realisation of their angling dreams.

Tel Mobile: +353 86 060 2718
Web: www.anglersparadise.ie
Web: facebook.com/Anglersparadiseireland/
Email [email protected]