Vincent Appleby reports from Lough Currane…
23/2/2022 The Lough Currane anglers were nowhere to be seen this day and for good reason, there was a strong WSW wind blowing down the lake, come evening it veered WNW fresh to strong with heavy downpours throughout the day.
24/2/2022 There were two Brown tag boats out this day and spygate reports that for all their efforts there were no takers. Wind WNW fresh to strong and followed by wintery showers and as you can imagine it was very cold out there.
25/2/2022 Just two Boats out again this day and their lines stayed slack throughout the day, just for the record both boats were members of the Brown Tag team. Wind SW light to fresh an overcast all day.
26/2/2022 The Brownless, Barbless anglers were left Salmonless this day and for a very good reason, Lough Currane was wild with a strong Southerly wind blowing across the lake.
27/2/2022 All quiet on all fronts except for the wind and for good reason, come lunchtime there was a strong SSW fresh to strong, average speed 30 mph, gusts average speed 40 mph.
28/2/2022 Just 3 boats out this day and for all their efforts just a few Kelts caught. As we all know the second brown tag draw took place today and as far as I know some of the local pro’s missed out again. Wind WNW and veered NNW light with little cloud.
1/3/2022 Just two boats out and spygate reports all quiet on all fronts. Wind light ESE followed by bright sunshine all day.
2/3/2022 Spygate reports that there were two boats out manipulating their skills this day and only contacted a few Kelts. Wind was all over the place today and overcast followed by heavy rain at times.
Vincent Appleby
Brown Tag Draw
The third and final draw brown tags on Lough Currane will take place on March 28th to allocate the remaining 20 brown tags.
Applications for this draw may be made from 14/03/22 to 25/03/22.
Any anglers that are interested in entering the January draw are being asked to email their request to Inland Fisheries Ireland at [email protected] providing their contact details and quoting their 2022 Salmon Licence number.
Anglers must provide in their email entry:
- Name
- Contact Address
- Telephone Number
- 2022 Salmon Licence number – including licence letter prefix
This is the only method to apply for a brown tag. Anglers may only fish one brown tag over the full season. Multiple applications will disqualify. Salmon Licences are available to buy online at:
The brown tag regulations came into force on the Waterville catchment from January 17th and will remain in place until midnight on May 12th 2022.
Go fishing…
Vincent Appleby
Eureka Lodge, Caherdaniel West, Co. Kerry.
Telephone: +353 (0) 87 207 4882
E-mail:[email protected]
Find out more about Lough Currane…
The rivers and lakes of Waterville drain a large catchment and are regarded by many as the foremost Salmon and Sea-Trout fishery in the country. The lake system is well developed with access to boats and guides being readily available to the tourist angler. The Sea-Trout caught here are renowned for their size and quantity. For more details see