Osgur Grieve reports that duckfly are up on L. Conn when conditions come good:
A calm start to the week, with higher-than-normal temperatures, up to 15˚ Celsius, brought out a good hatch of duck fly in bays throughout Conn and Cullin. Peter Roche, Cloghans and Gary Binley, Foxford had 8 trout up to 2 lbs in Cloghans Bay. Stephen Browne, Knockmore and Joe Quinn, Ballina also had a few fish to buzzers in Cloghans Bay.
As the week progressed the hatch stalled with very cold winds from the Northeast. Peter Roche saw a good show of fish along the Brackwansha shore and had 5 trout in 2 hours to Dabblers on Saturday. Michael Noone, Lahardane, had 2 trout for 1.25 lbs each on a Green Peter and an Octopus and returned at least 10 more smaller trout all on drifts around Cormorant Rocks. Padraig Traynor, Crossmolina had a few trout in Flannery’s Bay, best 1.25 lbs. Colin Cahill from Mullingar had 3 trout for over 4 lbs. Gary Keavney, Ballina had a trout for 3.5 lbs in Knockmore Bay on a spoon while trolling for salmon.
Best flies for the week were Green Peter, Dabblers, Buzzers, Connemara Black and Fiery Brown.