Heraclitus said, ‘No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it’s not the same river and he’s not the same man’.
We’re not sure how this applies to pike fishing, but angler Callum Morss hit the river last week in search of a big pike and that is exactly what he got! Twice!
On day one, Callum landed this cracking 115cm fish that tipped his mechanical scales to the 28lb mark! The fish was handled carefully and safely returned to the water.
Callum decided that if he was going to be catching fish like this he needed to upgrade his weighing scales, so he went out and invested in a digital version.
A few days later, Callum went back to the same spot on the river, chucked out the same bait and hooked into a big fish. After another hard battle, Callum netted the fish which turned out to be the exact same fish he had tussled with previously, although Heraclitus might disagree. The new scales took a few pounds off the fish – which weighed 25lb 1oz the second time around!
A good few days of fishing for Callum and further proof that careful unhooking, handling and releasing can help to preserve our precious fish stocks and ensure a sustainable recreational fishery into the future.