A bit late to the party with this report, but Delphi reported it’s first springer on the 5th of February. The fish was landed by Bob Hadden from the Meadow Pool, and weighed 6lbs 15oz. Bob was fishing a Gold Ally’s shrimp. The salmon was a ranched fish of hatchery origin and was taken as per fishery rules.

Bob Hadden with the first Delphi salmon of 2023

4 days later lightning struck twice, when Bob landed the second Delphi fish of the year! This time a wild fish, estimated at 6lbs, landed in the Duck Run. The Allys shrimp doing the business again!

After recent rain, the river rose from 12 to 50 on the gauge, falling back slowly now, and hopefully more fresh salmon will be running.

Go fishing…

At Delphi Lodge, with many years of experience with the timing of the best runs of fish, we have in place a price system that offers both great value fishing and lets our anglers know when they have the best chance to catch a fresh run spring salmon or a summer grilse or Delphi sea trout.

Delphi Fishery
Delphi Lodge, Leenane, Co. Galway.
Tel: +353 (0)95-42222 Fax +353-95-42296
Web: www.delphilodge.ie