It was a case of third time lucky for the first salmon landed on the Drowes this year. Only the third salmon reported so far this season, the first two fish) caught on the blackwater and Lough Currane) were knocked on the head. Drowes Fishery manager, Shane Gallagher has the story his rivers first fish of 2023…
First Drowes fish of the year was landed just after midday from Briney’s Pool upstream of Lennox’s Bridge. Ronnie Mc Morris, originally from Fermanagh, now living in Drumuckrim, Ballyshannon, caught the fish in his third cast. The salmon was fresh in and sea liced. Estimated at 10lbs, it took an Ally’s Shrimp variant and was released to continue its onward journey.
Ronnie received the Drowes Perpetual Cup for the first salmon from the Drowes of the 2023 season and also the Thomas Gallagher Conservation Cup for the first caught and released salmon of the season.
It is believed to me the first caught and released salmon in Ireland if the 2023 season. [Ed. – Certainly the first one reported to Inland Fisheries Ireland this year!]
Go fishing…
River Drowes
The Drowes Fishery is one of Ireland’s premier spring salmon and grilse fisheries. The river is some 5 miles in length, with over 70 named pools, flowing from Lough Melvin at Lareen Bay and entering the sea at Tullaghan, just outside Bundoran. The Drowes has a wide variety of water suitable for all fishing methods, including several miles of good fly water and deeper slower moving pools suitable for spinning and bait fishing.
For information and bookings on the Drowes Fishery & Lough Melvin see
Tel: 071 9841055 (8am to 12 noon).
Mob: +353 (0) 87 8050806