Steve Schreck reports on fishing from loughs Conn and Cullin last week.

Fishing on the lakes proved to be difficult during the week, even though trout started to rise more freely to flies.

Peter Roche gave it a go on Tuesday, catching and releasing three trout around Martha’s Rock and Abbey shore.  On Wednesday he managed to land a good trout of 1.5 lbs at Brackwansha.

A beautiful trout weighing 1.5 lbs caught by Peter Roche

As if a switch had been turned, fishing improved on Saturday and Sunday, with good hatches of Mayflies being recorded.

Twenty-two anglers partaking in the ‘Michael Benson Cup’ returned to shore, having boated 11 fish.  Tom Timoney won the competition with a total of 4 trout.  Brian Gallagher came in second with 2 fish and the third place went to Colin McAndrew, who caught the heaviest fish, weighing in at 2.25 lbs.


Peter Roche had an enjoyable Sunday around Chain Island, Brackwansha, Rinmore shore and the “Four Pins Shallows” catching and releasing about 10 small trout.

Successful patterns were the usual suspects, Golden Olive Bumble, Golden Olive Dabbler and Cock Robin Dabbler.

Go fishing…

Trout fly fishing on Loughs Conn and Cullin