Some great weather at the tail end of last week saw skipper Sean Maguire and his crews enjoying some fine fishing off the coast of west Clare. Although they tried a shark drift and had sharks around the boat, these smat sharks proved adept at robbing baits and taking hooked fish without getting hooked themselves. There was plenty of good fishing to make up for the lack of shark action though, with some great pollack action in particular. Spurdogs, bull huss and whiting also made an appearance, while mackerel was in plentiful supply.

Fine spurdog



Go Fishing

Isle of Aran

Fishing Adventures on Séan Maguire’s Isle of Aran, a Lochin 33   charterboat which operates 15 miles from Kilbaha, Carrigaholt, and Kilrush.

Whether you want to go to the Atlantic Ocean for a large selection of species, including different types of shark, or fish the estuary for ray conger tope etc, Fishing Adventures will cater for whatever fishing you desire.
Telephone: +353 (0) 877508758 or +353 (0) 894431182
Email: [email protected] Web: