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    Lough Derriana


    Waterville, Co. Kerry


    • Salmon from 17th January to 30th September.
    • Sea-Trout – 17th January to 12th October. Seatrout fly only 1st – 12th October. All sea trout fishing Catch and Release only

    Fish Species: Salmon and Sea trout

    Covering an area of approximately 400 hectares Lough Derriana is the second largest lake in this system. It is connected to Lough Currane by the Cummeragh River and fish move into the lake when water levels in the river are high and in flood. Runs of salmon and sea trout commence as early as March and April but they are dependent on water levels. Bank fishing is not possible on Derriana Lough and the best fishing is obtained by using a boat.


    Boats are available for hire on this lake at Clodragh through the Waterville Development Group and can be pre-booked at the Waterville Angling Centre. Concessions are available for members of the Waterville Development Group. There is no public access to the lake and membership of the Waterville Fisheries Development Group is recommended and encouraged.

    Lough Derriana is a medium sized water and it is recommended that visiting anglers avail of the services of the local guides and ghillies who know these lakes well. Their experience and expertise will ensure your safety and provide you with the best opportunity to make that catch of a lifetime in a spectacular setting. This will enable you to maximise your fishing time and enhance your overall fishing experience during your visit. A full listing of guides, ghillies and instructors for Lough Derriana is available at www.fishinginireland.info/guides/kerry.htm


    Fishing is subject to regulations as set out by the Waterville Development Group which are revised annually.

    Best Flies

    Hairy Mary
    Gary Dog
    Shrimp Flies
    Sea Trout
    Black Pennel
    Sooty Olive
    Claret & Blue

    Angling Tip

    Fishing in and around the shallows and the river inlets and outlets can be produce excellent results.

    Angling Clubs

    Membership of the Waterville Fishery Development Group (Available at Waterville Angling Centre, see below) is recommended and encouraged www.loughcurrane.com


    Lough Derriana can be accessed off the N70 via Beenbane Rd. This runs in a North Easterly direction to Clodragh where access to the lake is provided through steel gates.

    Angling Guides



    Membership of the Waterville Fishery Development Group (Available at Waterville Angling Centre, see below) is recommended and encouraged. Membership brings additional benefits.

    Anglers must have a salmon licence when fishing for salmon and sea trout. Licences can be purchased online at www.salmonlicences.ie/Default.aspx?tabid=78&l=0&r=8

    The salmon and sea trout angling regulations are revised annually and the current regulations can be found at www.fishinginireland.info/salmon/salmontagging.htm

    Boat Hire



    Visitors to the Waterville are will find Ordnance Survey Map No. 83 of great assistance in getting around the area.

    Tackle Dealers

    Kevin Brain,
    Waterville Angling Centre,
    Lower Main Street,
    Waterville, Co. Kerry.
    Tel: +353 66 9474433 Mobile: +353 87 6766986
    email: [email protected]


    Visitors will find a full range of accommodation at www.discoverireland.com


    Waterville Fishery Development Group www.loughcurrane.com

    Getting to Waterville and Lough Derriana


    Waterville can be accessed by way of the N70 from Cahersiveen.


    The airports in closest proximity to Waterville are Cork and Shannon. A number of low cost airlines operate between Cork and Shannon and the UK and Europe.

    Ferry Ports:

    Waterville can be easily accessed from the ferryports of Cork, Rosslare and Dublin

    Further Information:

    Inland Fisheries Ireland, Sunnyside House, Masseytown Macroom, Co Cork. Tel: +353 26 41221 Fax: +353 26 41223 email: [email protected]  www.fishinginireland.info

    For Angling queries contact:

    Michael Hennessy, Email: [email protected]

    Additional Contacts:

    Waterville Fishery Development Group www.loughcurrane.com

    Map of Waterville and Currane system

    Access to Fisheries: Access does not imply a right of way and anglers should ensure that they have the necessary permission to enter or cross private lands. Where possible, anglers should walk along the river bank or lake shore.

    Country Code: Anglers should ensure that gates are closed and that fences are not broken or damaged. Care should be taken with crops and livestock. Litter must not be discarded and no fires are allowed. Vehicles should be parked in designated areas and in such a manner that they do not cause obstruction.

    Errors and Inaccuracies: Whilst every effort has been made to ensure that the information contained on this webpage is accurate, no responsibility will be accepted by Inland Fisheries Ireland for any errors or inaccuracies contained herein.