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Bullhuss for our visiting dutch angler

Family fishing and more on Wicklow Boat Charters

Wicklow Boat Charters Family Half Day Fishing to begin June, great results from the kids with Pouting, Poorcod, dog, Smooth Hound, and codling. Great...

Family fun on Courtmac charter boats, lots of species and big fish too

Mark Gannon reports on the charter boat fihsing out of Courtmacsherry... 24 May: A fishing family from Holland Arie Borsboom with his 2 son in...

Reefs fishing well for charter boats out of Union Hall

Charter skipper Adrian Nowotynski out of Glandore and Union Hall in West Cork tells us he's getting plenty nice fish on the reefs at...
The comedian Bob Stevenson with a fine Pollack on the fly.

Some great saltwater fly fishing reported from Cork Harbour

Richie Ryan has been enjoying a great mix of saltwater fly fishing adventures on Cork Harbour. He met a fine shoal of Bass on...

Jay O’Halloran wins Cobh SAC fundraiser

Cobh SAC report on their Irish team fundraiser held on Sunday... What a fantastic day was had by all at the Annual Fundraising Event for...

VIDEO: Cod Fishing in the Shannon Estuary

  James Raymond is no stranger to these reports, and he is back with another great video for his Irish Angling Adventures channel. This winter,...
charter boat catch

Loughshinny SAC enjoy a great day out on Valentia’s Boy Scott

Pat Monks tells us Loughsinny Angling Club had a great days fishing out of Valentina island with Ciaran Murphy on the "Boy Scott". They...
Specimen bib and cod

Sharks, specimen pouting and rarely seen Rissos Dolphins thrill West Cork anglers

Silver Dawn skipper Dave Edwards reports on the recent fishing down in West Cork... 14 June: Fishing has been good inshore over the last few...

Big pollack, cod, and more, specimens too at Courtmacsherry

Mark Gannon from Courtmacsherry Angling tells us that angling off Courtmacsherry has really taken off the last couple of weeks following the arrival of this...
pair of cod

Another good day for West Cork anglers at Youghal

West Cork and District got their 2023 season underway on the Slob Bank on Sunday with a fine turnout of 21 anglers including several...