Home Lough Eske trout fishing

    Lough Eske trout fishing


    Road Map

    How to find the Eske fishery. Click on the thumbnail below.

    Road map for the Eske fishery

    [Click here for full size Eske road map ]

    Beat Maps

    Map of Lough Eske

    [Click here for .pdf of Lough Eske map, 280KB]

    Angling Bye-law prohibits the use of any fish hooks, other than single or double barbless hooks, and also prohibits the use of worms as bait in angling for all species of fish.

    The Eske fishery consists of the 5km River Eske, the 900-acre Lough Eske and its tributaries. The Lough and its tributaries are amongst the most picturesque in Donegal set among the Blue Stack and Tawnawully Mountains. The fishery is a productive brown trout fishery.

    The brown trout average ½lb but there are numerous better trout caught up to 4½lb on the fly with the record for the lough being 9lb 2oz.

    Most of the standard lough flies will work well on Lough Eske such as a Clan Chief, Bibbio, Dabblers, Daddies, Connemara Black, Claret Bumble & Fiery Brown. The brown trout often show a liking for flies with orange or yellow in their makeup.

    IFI have constructed a purpose built angling centre and jetty on the shores of Lough Eske from where permits/licenses are issued and boats are hired for fishing the lough. The lough is boat angling only. 5 boats are available for hire and are limited to 2 anglers per boat. In the interests of safety all anglers must wear a floatation device. Anglers are not permitted to launch their own boats.


    March 1st to September 30th inclusive.

    Permits, Boat hire and bookings

    A permit and boat hire is required to fish the Lough.

    • One angler, boat, engine & petrol €55,
    • Two anglers, boat, engine & petrol €90.

    All permits and boat hire are available online permits.fishinginireland.info/product/lough-eske-day-permit/