Fishery manager Colin Folan reports that massive floods on Tuesday 17th ensured a great run of salmon and sea trout into Lough Inagh.  The sea trout fishing is still improving as the days go on, and we are heading for our best year since the collapse in 1988.  All the fish are in superb condition and are lice free.  The average weight is over a pound and there are fish to 4lbs being hooked, and fish to 6lbs being seen.  Total catch for the week was 168 sea trout.  Top flies for the week were anything blue (Donegal Blue, Blue Zulu, Kamasunary Killer etc).

On Wednesday 5 boats were out on Inagh, and it was a day to remember.  Although the lake was very high and a small bit peaty 68 sea trout were landed.  Dubliners Michael Heery and Dennis Murphy landed 25 sea trout to 2lbs, and 5 Salmon to 12lbs for their day.  A Green Dabbler, Donegal Blue and Jungle Alexander was the cast that did the business.  Andy Walsh (Galway) and Pat Molloy (Galway) boated 16 and Padraig Fahy (Galway) had 9 on a Fr. Ronan.

Other notable catches include Paul Cashlin (Mayo) who had 14 sea trout to 2.5lbs on Dabblers, and Colin Folan and Ceri Jones (Wales) had 8 sea trout for 3 hours on the lake, and a 5lbs brown from the river on a Sunray Shadow.  The Maguire party from Dublin had 23 sea trout for 4 rods over 2 days, and Hugh Maguire landed a 5lbs grilse From the Derryclare Butts on a Black and Orange Shrimp pattern. Vincent Foley (Dublin) had a grilse of 5lbs from the Derryclare Butts on a Sunray.  In the last 4 weeks we have recorded 373 sea trout, compared to the total catch from 2011, which was 263!


To book fishing or accommodation at Lough Inagh Lodge, contact the hotel on 00353 95 34706, or view their website at