William Walsh from Cork sent us in this report on passing the angling baton on to younger generations:
My wife Helena and I took our two grandchildren, Saoirse, age 6, and Cian, age 8, on their first fishing trip to Shepperton Lakes yesterday. This is the 3rd generation of our family from Cork City that we have taught to fish on this lake, as our oldest grandson Jordan caught his first trout there many years ago. What an adventure they had! They caught 3 trout and 5 Rudd (rudd returned alive) between them, which was two species of fish, wonderful. They are still on a high and hopefully hooked on fishing forever like their Grandad (a lifelong angler), and they can’t wait to go fishing again. We presented them with a medal each for catching their “First Fish” so they will never forget this special day in their lives, fishing with Nana and Grandad.