Ghillie Vincent Appleby reports on the salmon and sea trout fishing in the past week on Lough Currane from his blog at

14/6/12 Straight to the famous Butler Pool and of where German Angler, Mr. Goern Barteil of Hamburg Germany caught a fine 5 lb. salmon on the fly, while his good friend Mr. O’Donoghue watched the maestro, their ghillie Mr. Junior Scully, have one swipe of the net and the rest is history. Junior was also telling me that they also saw a good few fish in the Pool, now we head upstream to the mouth of the Commeragh River, a client, fly fishing with his ghillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy and of caught a 2 or 3 sea trout up to 2 lbs. Wind SE strong and wild.

15/6/12 Straight to catch and release of the day and that Goes Mr. Mark Doorman fishing with his ghillie Mr. Bob Priestley, who sportingly put a 9 lb. sea trout back to fight another day, staying in the sea trout department renowned Cork Angler, Mr. Patsy Quilligan caught a fine 4.5 lb. sea trout on the fly, also in good form in the fly department, was Mr. Chris McQuinn, with 3 sea trout up to 3 lb., fishing with his ghillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy and of In the hired out boat department of Mr. Brian O’Connell caught a fine 2 lb. sea trout on the drift. Wind all over the place and overcast with light and heavy rain at times.                                         

16/6/12 Straight to the Sea Trout fly department, Mr. Niall O’Neill, fishing with his ghillie Mr. Neil O’Shea and of caught a fine 2.5 lb. sea trout and staying with the sea trout there were a few caught on the drift but nothing that would hit the headlines and in the words of one sea trout angler please don’t put my name to my catch, but too be fair its very cold out there, wind NW then veered N this afternoon and overcast.

17/6/12 Local ghillie Mr. Bob Priestley, caught a fine 9 lb. salmon on the troll, now we cut across the lake to the south side and to the sea trout department, where there was a fine 2.5 lb. sea trout caught on the troll by an angler fishing on his own, in general my noble sea trout were very lethargic.

18/6/12 Straight to the sea trout department, Mr. Jonathan Fish of the UK, fishing with his ghillie Mr. Vincent O’Sullivan and of caught a fine 5 lb. sea trout on the fly in the mouth of the Commeragh but alas their fishing came to a swift end, because there was a good flood this morning and in the words of Mr. Jonathan Smith, the Commeragh went brown, need he say more. In the hired out boat department of Mr. Neil O’Neil caught 5 trout on the fly, all were in the 1 lb. class. Wind SE then veered S light to fresh with reasonable cloud cover.

19/6/12 Frank Donnelly’s hired out boat and fly department, Mr. León Smith caught a fine 2 lb. sea trout and finished his day off with a sea trout in the 3 lb. class and staying in the hired out boat department of Mr. Phil Cronin and his good friend Donal, caught two fine sea trout, ranging from 2.5 lb. up to 3.5 lb. and last but not least Mr. Bill Bullock caught a 2 lb. sea trout. Mr. Jonathan Fish of the UK was in good form with the fly, he caught 2 sea trout, ranging from 1.5 lb. up to 2.5 lb. fishing with his ghillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy and of Now for catch of the day and that goes to Mr. Tom Dunn of Islay Scotland, fishing with his ghillie Mr. Frank Donnelly of caught 3 sea trout weighing in at 2.5 lb.,3.5 lb. and 4.5 lb. and finished his day off with a fine 4.5 lb. grilse and all caught on the fly.

Ghillie Frank Donnelly and Tom Dunn from Scotland with a nice catch from Lough Currane.

Now to the evening shift, The Prince fishing with his ghillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy and of caught a fine Salmon on the fly, off the point of Grassy Island this evening.

20/6/12 There was some great action on Lough Currane, I will start with catch of day in the fly department, and that goes to Mr. Jonathan Fish of the UK who caught 4 salmon and four sea trout, fishing with his ghillie Mr. Dominic McGillicuddy and of and just for the record the put the sea trout back. Now to the trolling department and catch and release of the day and that goes to Mr. Jonathan O’Brien and his ghillie Mr. Neil O’Shea and of they sportingly but back a 11 lb. salmon and Neil also telling me that Dr. Jim Comerford caught a salmon on the troll, now we cut across to the south side of the lake Dr. Tom O’Callaghan caught a fine 6 lb. salmon on the troll, now to the hired out boat department of Mr. Phil Cronin and his good friend Donal caught a 5 lb. grilse and a fine sea trout of 2 lb. on the fly. Wind South fresh and overcast.

That is your ration for this week, from your ghillie/guide and the Waterville fishery. No Spin No Fly’s just facts.

Vincent Appleby

Eureka Lodge

Caherdaniel West,

Co. Kerry.

Telephone:  +353 (0) 87 207 4882

E-mail: [email protected]
