Lough Sheelin report by Brenda Montgomery July 29th  to August 5th 2012

My biggest worry is that my wife (when I’m dead) will sell my fishing gear for what I said I paid for it.

Koos Brandt

Joseph Turnbull

Joseph Turnbull with his 5½lb Sheelin trout caught on a sooty olive

This week saw an increase in the number of boats on Lough Sheelin and the lake fished well with colossal hatches of green peter stretching right across its surface in particular around Rusheen, Goreport and Derrysheridan. The green peter hatches were that extensive that they resembled the carpet of mayfly seen back here in May.  There were big hatches of sedge as well as a smattering of murrough.

Evening fishing from 4pm onwards proved the most successful and small brown dry sedges, green peters and welshman’s buttons were top of the success list resulting in good catches of fish some weighing from 4 to 5lbs. 

On Friday fish were rising to the peter from around 9pm onwards but were difficult to catch.  Interestingly enough on Monday night around 10pm trout went on the buzzer so some anglers who were fishing the green peter and sedges were caught out.  The western shore around Orangefield fished exceptionally well this week with a lot of fish around the 1- 1¾lb mark being caught.

Youth flytying Sheelin

                  Fly tying is a serious business…….. L.S.T.P.A   fly tying instructor Thomas Lynch teaches some young Sheelin Members the art of tying flies at Lough Sheelin.

The Lough Sheelin Trout Protection Association will be hosting The McDonald Cup on Sunday August 12th from 12 noon to 6pm starting from Kilnahard Pier, entry fee is €20.  In line with this club’s strong conservation policy this annual competition will be changed this year to become a Catch & Release Competition – each boat will be supplied with a measure board and it is the angler who catches the longest fish who will win this coveted cup.  As a gesture of thanks to all members and non members who support this club and all its past and ongoing development and conservation work for this lake and its catchment all other prizes with be presented on the basis of a draw.

Anglers are requested to bring their own measuring board or tape with them on the day.

This competition will be followed by a Bar -B -Q on Kilnahard pier.  For further details please contact Eamon Ross @ 087 9436655 or Thomas Lynch @ 087 9132033

Well done to Marian Farrell on winning the duck race at Finea on Sunday last, over 50 enthusiast participants took part and Marian’s duck was the first to cross the weir, all money went to the local church funds


A catch and release policy is actively encouraged on this lake

Please remember anglers that the size limit on this lake is 35.5 cm (14 inches) – we need our small fish alive…….

The heaviest fish for the week was caught on Wednesday August 1st – a lovely 5½ lb wild trout caught using a small dry sedge.

Total number of trout recorded for the week: 85

 A selection of catches for the week were:

Thomas Harton, Cavan – Wednesday August 1st using a Michael Kelly ‘tester’ fly 1 trout at 4¼ lbs, Thomas fished throughout the week catching 4 other trout averaging 1¼ – 2lbs using a small dry sedge.

Gene Brady, Ballinagh – on Monday August 6th, 4-5pm 1 trout at 4 lbs on a green peter.

Mickey McCluskey, Donegal – 1 trout at 1½ lbs on a dry sedge.

Anthony Mathews, Dundalk – at Rusheen 2 trout @ 3 and 4 lbs using a green peter.

Paddy McElivey, Dundalk  – using a green peter 1 trout @ 1¾ lbs.

Frank Kelly, Cavan – using a dry sedge 3 fish weighing in at 5½, 4½ and 3½ lbs.

Danny Levvy, Cavan – 2 trout at 2 and 3lbs.

Paddy Lyons, Kilnaleck – Wednesday August 1st 2 trout @ 2lbs and 3¼ lbs, evening fishing around Goreport.  Thursday August 2nd 1 trout @ 2½lbs on a green peter and Friday August 3rd fishing from early evening on sedges 2 trout averaging at 2lbs each in weight.

Paddy Delaney, Baileboro – August 2nd 1 trout @ 2½ on a day sedge.

Robert Lynch, Duleek – Monday August 6th 3 trout dry fly fishing with sedges, heaviest was 2 lbs.

Thomas Lynch, Cavan – Monday July 30th 3 trout using a small brown dry sedge, fishing during the day, weights averaged 2lbs, Tuesday July 31st 4 trout averaging 1½ lbs all on a dry sedge.

Maurice Lyttle, Mountnugent – July 30th 2 trout at 2 and 2¼ lbs using a small dry sedge.

Larry Tierney, Stradone – 2 trout on Sunday night, August 5th, averaged 2lbs in weight.

Brenda Montgomery IFI