David Tantrum from Waterford City & County Trout Anglers Association reports from Carrigavantry /Knockaderry lakes

Christy Crotty and John Rohnane went to Knockaderry recently to get some practice in on their techniques before the World Cup on Loch Mask.  Past experience had shown them that similar methods worked here.  Five hours of fishing dry flies resulted in 6 rainbows and 2 browns to four lbs.  They were broken three times!   Successful flies were Green Peter and Chocolate Drop. 

Generally the fishing is challenging.   The evening rise, when the weather allows, shows just how many trout are in the lakes. Your only problem is to catch them!

A fine Knockaderry Brown Trout
A fine Knockaderry Brown Trout

David Tantrum

Email [email protected]

Waterford City & County Trout Anglers Association

Web:  www.waterfordflyfishing.com