Gearoid Kirwan reports that the Croneen fishing has escalated with the recent increase in water levels and drop in water temperatures in both the Camcor and Brosna Rivers.

With the water levels being low for so long, local anglers are only now getting the chance to explore more areas up stream from the Anglers Rest stretch. Anglers fishing around Derrinasallagh Bridge are observing large pods of Croneen migrating upstream towards the Croughan area.

Throughout the week during the night time, local anglers are finding areas such as the Maltings successful with regular bags of Croneen being caught using both wet and dry fly patterns.

With water levels increasing and more fish being observed in the rivers, fish are expected to be on the move upstream of Birr within the next few days.

Successful fly patterns include small dry sedges, Butcher, Silver Pennell and various custom tied sea trout flies.

Go fishing…

Anglers are advised that fishing on local rivers is by IFI permit only and angling regulations on the local rivers and lakes can be obtained by visiting

Fishermen should also be aware that there is no maggot fishing in the area and it is strictly prohibited.