Gerard Doran of South East Angling Services offers a wealth of experience and a lot of knowledge to anyone who wishes to avail of his workshops.  Here he reports on the advantages of night time fishing:

You often hear me mentioning the phrase ‘get out there’. By doing just that you hone your skills, you develop a better understanding of the fishery’s current capabilities to produce fish, you sometimes fail to catch fish but all the time you are learning by just being there observing your surroundings.

I went out my front door last night at 11.00 pm armed simply with a lure rod,reel and some soft plastics in search of a fish or two and was not disappointed. Each time I head out lure fishing at night there is a feeling of added excitement. Wave Worms fished weedless produced fish ‘on the drop’ last night over a shallow reef. Bouncing soft plastic lures is a very effective method of catching fish, also retrieving them slowly over reefs at night is especially productive.

Ger Doran - Bass at nightIf lure fishing at night is something you have yet to try I would encourage you do so but do take great care and plan ahead thinking of any possible dangers especially flooding tides cutting you off from rocks or stranding you on a sandbar. If possible fish with a friend who is also familiar with the chosen venue. Always carry a wading stick and wear a lifejacket if deep wading. Some locations that produce very little or even nothing during daylight hours could very possibly fish much better under darkness, Just keep your headlight off the water at all times!

You can choose to book a Workshop where you would develop key skills to lure fish for bass successfully at night which includes on the water tuition/fishing at night In a safe environment. Guided trips at night are also available simply get in touch using the contact page above to create your bespoke package.

‘Night time Is a time when being alone on the shoreline on the rocks or beach with the stars or grey clouds or blackness of clouds with no moon, can bring you so very close to full awareness of the mystery of life that we are witness to. I don’t know why this Is so and I never will know. I feel It though, feel It so strongly when I walk In those places where no one Is, except me and other nocturnal beings’ 

Source: Ken Abrames – A Perfect Fish.

To make a booking……

Gerard Doran,

South East Angling Services


E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: 086-3769727