Angling guide Eamonn Conway reports that he paid a visit to the Annalee over the last few days. The river has dropped from a previous flood and the flow is stable and the water clarity is nice. Trout are coming up to the surface taking dries and the streamer is working well in the deep pools also catching the occasional perch. Nymphs have done most of the work, catching a lot of trout for Mark Naylor and Eamonn. The trout seemed to like sitting in the top of the runs getting the best chance of food coming down the river. After recent rain the water level is rising again and the fishing should remain ok if it doesn’t get too much higher.  

Tight lines Eamonn c.

Eamonn Conway is one of the country’s top angling guides and a qualified APGAI Ireland Instructor. If you fancy a days guided fishing with Eamonn why not drop him an email at [email protected] or give him a call at 086 1242966.

Additional information can be found on Eamonns’ website at

Eamonn Conway With A Lovely Wild Brown Trout
Eamonn Conway With A Lovely Wild Brown Trout
Mark Naylor With A Beautiful Plump Wild Brown Trout
Mark Naylor With A Beautiful Plump Wild Brown Trout
Another Trout Come to the Net in Stunning Surroundings
Another Trout Come to the Net in Stunning Surroundings