Wexford guide Gerard Doran gets as much enjoyment out of guiding as his clients do.  Here he is back to bass and enjoying every moment of it.  He reports:

Andrew travelled down from Dublin to spend a day bass fishing in the South East last week, an early morning start fishing over mixed ground proved difficult as bass cruised around doing little more than following any lure cast despite best efforts using  various size and translucent lures.

Gerard Doran - LuresWe then left the first location an hour earlier than planned to have some lunch and fish the second location an estuary mark where before long Andrew struck into his first bass this year which was in superb condition taken a soft plastic lure swung in the strong tidal flow.

Gerard Doran - Bass - June 2015Returning Bass safely and efficiently to fight another day is an important part of what we as anglers can do to protect stocks, with bass being such a slow growing fish each one we return back really does make a difference. As a guide observing clients reactions as they catch and release fish is a great feeling.

Gerard Doran - Releasing a bassFor more information or to book a Guided day or Workshop get in touch with Gerard Doran [email protected]

To make a booking……

Gerard Doran,

South East Angling Services

Web: www.southeastanglingservices.com

E-mail: [email protected]

Phone: 086-3769727