Declan Cook reports from Lough Conn:
There are less anglers venturing out onto Lough Conn these days but the quality of angling available to them has not diminished since the end of the Mayfly. Reports from around the lake have revealed that trout are still rising freely and are readily taking wet and dry mayfly and olive patterns. Talk of the “dog days” abound on some of the neighbouring trout Loughs but Conn is still producing great angling. Weather conditions have been somewhat mixed with plenty of rain and wind interspersed with the occasional warm balmy evening, all of which has proved conducive to lively trout angling both during the day and through to late evening.
In Cloghans Bay, Cork angler Pat Collins enjoyed good angling to dry olives and sedges with 14 good trout over three days sometimes in near calm conditions. Ian wise & John Warren from Crossmolina continue to enjoy good fishing in Bog Bay and Jurogue, with several fish to 2lbs on sedge patterns. Several parties fished out of Cloonamoyne Fishery over the past few weeks with David and Tony Jackson from Gloucester fishing for six days and returning 54 Trout, all on dry Mayfly patterns. Tony McGrattan and father Eugene from Dublin returned 22 trout, all on wet fly, mainly Mayfly and sedge patterns, best fish 1.75 lbs. Willie Scully and David Penny from Palmerstown fished for six days and returned 64 Trout, mostly on dry Mayfly. Brothers John and Gerry O’Donnell from Donegal fished in Bog Bay and returned 24 Trout to one pound, on various wetfly patterns. Ian Wise fished with John Tobin from Cheam off the Juroge for 7 fish, best was a Sea Trout of two pounds to Ian with a Brown Trout of 1.5lbs to John all on the Red Wulff. Bevan Craig and son Ewan from Cork fished for two days in Ned’s andFlannery’s Bays and returned 23 Trout with the best weighing 2lbs. Most fish were caught on both wet and dry patterns mainly Wulffs, Cock Robin and Sooty Olive. Cannon John Flynn and family from Kilkenny fished for five days for 31 trout all caught on dry Olives; best fish, 1.75lbs. Ian Wise also fished with Barry Seagrave from Kells and boated eight trout to 1.5lbs all on dry patterns. The most productive areas for those fishing out of Cloonamoyne at the moment seem to be Flannery’s Bay to the Abbey Point, Woodford Shallows and the Jurogue.
On South Conn, local guide, Paul Caslin, has had som great fishing at Massbrook, Coleman Shallows and Glass Island wit 21 trout over 4 days, mainly to small dabbler patterns.