Davy reports from Rossinver Fishery, Lough Melvin on opening day:
Opening day will be next Monday the 1st February and we will be serving soup, rolls, tea (and anything else we can find!) at the fishery for anyone hardy enough to face out on the lough (or even anyone who just wants a chat about fishing.) We have two boats booked out already and if anyone else would like to go out please get in touch as soon as possible.Last year was our best season for years and let’s hope this one proves to be as good.A fish has already been taken on the Drowes so there should be one or two in the lough already – maybe waiting around Ward’s Point for one of us.We have salmon licences available including Lough’s Agency extensions for anyone needing one. As you can see from the photo it’s not just fishermen who are looking forward to the new season.

Our harbour wall was completed at the end of last season and has come through the highest water levels in living memory with no major issues. Water was well over knee deep in our store and within 30cm of the top of our 2m high wall which was built on dry land in August!! Many of you very generously helped with this work or paid subscriptions in advance to enable us to carry out the work and the committee wish to thank you for this generosity.
Fees 2016
As I outlined at last April’s meeting we had not had any fee increase since 2002. Over that period of time, an inflation linked increase would mean that our fee should now be 350 Euro. It was decided by the committee that we should increase all fees by 20 euro this season which in effect means that Members will now pay 300 Euro pa or 240 Euro for over 65’s, season permit holders pay 70 Euro. At present I am applying a rate of £0.80 to the Euro if anyone wishes to pay in sterling.
Boat identification
There has been an ongoing issue with permit holders, particularly those who are not regular visitors, fishing from boats which we cannot identify. The committee have had identification stickers made which can be displayed on boats and should make all our jobs easier this season.These will be issued along with membership cards.
Updated safety procedures
As a result of the findings of the inquiry into the Lough Ree tragedy we have updated our safety procedures. Details are on display in the boathouse.
To save on postage all membership cards can be collected at Rossinver on or after 1st February, but if you require yours earlier than that please give me a call. I can also supply necessary details for anyone who wishes to make an electronic transfer of fees rather than paying by cash or cheque.
Go fishing…
Rossinver Fishery Syndicate,
c/o Davy Stinson,
Web: www.rossinverfishery.com
Tel: 00 44 (0)779 355 9640
Email: [email protected]