Dan O’Neill at the Mount Juliet Estate reports on the trout fishing on the Nore…

We have enjoyed some great hatches on the river. First light to 11am and then perhaps 5pm to dark have been the best times. Our anglers have had big catches of trout on dry fly, bushy olives and sherry spinners taking most fish. The odd slightly shy fish falling to a wet fly (black spider with fluorescent green neck).

Plenty of anglers out on the water and since last report a little over 80 trout have been caught and released back safely. We have some salmon in the pools looking frustrated yet lazy at the same time.

Dan O’Neill
Mount Juliet Estate.
Go fishing…
Mount Juliet House is set on a large estate, which offers private fishing on 2.5 miles of the middle to lower reaches of the River Nore. Mount Juliet Estate offers fishing of the highest quality, just a short stroll away from the Manor House. There is a fishing room on site in the Manor House for your convenience i.e. for storage and drying of fishing equipment. Mount Juliet Estate can also provide the necessary equipment on site if needed.