Killinarden Angling Initiative held their annual Mental Health and Suicide Awareness event on Oaklands Lake in New Ross last weekend. As ever, there was a super turnout for the event and the proceeds went to a very worthy cause. Patrick Buddy Ryan of the KAI reports:
So here it is, another year done and dusted with plenty of awareness and much needed funds raised for HOPE – Suicide Prevention Drop In Centre Tallaght.
Again, we cannot thank everyone enough for their very generous support and encouragement, it’s amazing to see the excitement and enjoyment at the event every year. I will list the sponsors at the bottom and will start with the results of the match.
Under 18s:
- 1st Henry Power
- 2nd Josh Hanna
- 3rd Luke Mulcathy
- 1st Joe Radford
- 2nd Cristof
- 3rd Martin Kent
- 1st Oaklands
- 2nd East Belfast
- 3rd Stephen Hynes team – The Dubs.
A massive thank you to everyone who took part in yesterday’s even and made the effort to not only make it a memorable day but to make it a hugely successful day.
Southside Angling
Oaklands lake
Sensas Ireland
Richie Hanna – Hanna and sons
@Lewis Parr – Parr Safety Services
Keith Ansell
Pat Cusack
Coarse Angling Ireland NCFFI