Home Salmon fishing reports A number of fresh salmon caught on the Drowes

A number of fresh salmon caught on the Drowes


Lindsey Clarke reports from the Drowes…

RIVER DROWES –  Wednesday 21thst April 2021

Drowes water levels fell steadily over the month to date and the gauge is now reading 0.46m at the Four Masters Bridge. There were a number of fresh salmon caught despite the very low angling effort with most of these released. Hopefully with the latest relaxation in travel distances a few more rods should be able to now fish the river. Anglers can now travel countywide or within a 20km radius of their house.

For info/bookings etc. on the Drowes Fishery & Lough Melvin see http://www.drowessalmonfishery.com/ or Tel: 071 9841055 (8am to 12 noon).

