The water level on the River Boyne has been up and down over the last few weeks. For the most part it has remained too high for fishing. Just as the level had started to come right we got more rain putting the level back up again. However, between the rises in level, some fish were caught last week in and around the Navan area.

Martin Rafferty has a nice fresh fish on Monday last caught on spinner. He described the 6lb fish as a bar of silver which spent more time in the air than in the water during the fight. Martin also has a wee grilse of three pounds on Thursday last which was a good fishing day around Navan. Six salmon were reported caught on Thursday.

Other successful anglers included Johnny Coffey who had three salmon on spinner and Noel Rafferty from Dublin had two salmon one 10-12lbs and the other 6-8lbs. The catches were a mix of resident and fresh run fish. Up to and including Thursday last approximately 16 salmon were reported caught on the Boyne.

Go Fishing …………

Information on salmon fishing in the north-east can be found at the following link 

Please fish in a sustainable manner