How’s the Fishing?

Brown Trout from the River Nore

The Nore system is holding its water well after that blast of sunshine. The gauge at Mount Juliet is reading 0.323 and that is an ideal level for this time of year. We are well into Autumn now and fish are beginning to move back in the runs to the flats and glides readying themselves for the long winter, reserving energy and fat levels.

This time of year I find a team of spiders can be super successful for searching out those long flats. A team of Partridge & Orange, Gold greenwells, and a purple and Jungle cock would go down a treat. Sometimes I’ll even put a beaded spider on the point to fish them a little deeper. It won’t be long till we see the return of the afternoon rises also.

Mark Driver was out on the Nore during the weekend coaching a gang of youths who are competing in the National finals next week and they had great sport. They were mostly Nymphing. The Hends 233 Gasolina perdigone, and an olive nymph with an orange butt taking most of the fish for the lads.

They did report seeing a good few rising fish throughout the day. Its great to see a group of young lads on the river having some fun. We hope to have another open day for youths in the coming weeks on the river or early Oct on a lake.

Hends 233 Gasolina Perdigone

The Kings River is reporting to be fishing well and there was still a really good evening hatch up till 2 days ago, with some good fish moving. I am not sure how long this will last now as we are seeing a real change in the weather.

For anyone interested in a bit of sea angling I was walking along Slade head by Hook lighthouse Sunday evening with the kids and the sea was exploding with mackerel all over the place. I might go down an evening over the next few days with the fly rod for a bit of sport. Here is a few Mackerel fly’s that have worked really well for me this season.

Mackerel Flies

To purchase the above flies click the following links: Partridge & Orange SpiderGold Greenwells SpiderJungle Cock and Purple Spider

For more information and details about where to fish and get permits drop me a line [email protected].

What’s new


Piscari Travels

Slovenia Sava River

Nestled in the heart of Europe, Slovenia is a country renowned for its stunning landscapes, pristine rivers, and world-class fly fishing opportunities. One such hidden gem for fly anglers is the picturesque River Sava. With its crystal-clear waters and abundant aquatic life, the Sava offers a perfect setting for an unforgettable adventure fly fishing the River Sava in Slovenia Read More 

What’s coming

Peter will be captaining the team for the Fips Mouche World Masters championships – ‘I am Really looking forward to this one!’. Next Sunday Team Ireland set off to Kamloops British Colombia.


World Senior Fips Mouche Fly-fishing Championships starting on Wednesday in Slovakia. Here’s the link to follow all the action

About us

Based On the River Nore just outside Thomastown, Co Kilkenny, Ireland. Piscari-Fly is a growing Fly Tying and Fly-Fishing business with a vast amount of experience and knowledge. If there is ever anything I can do to make my service better for you please feel free to suggest it to me and I’ll gladly try my best to accommodate your requests.

Thanks again.

Peter Driver.

Piscari-Fly, Woolengrange, Thomastown, Co. Kilkenny, R95 Y860, Ireland, 0879787040